Baby Brayden is getting big!! :D

Okay… I havent really been on here in quite some time! ( I have a feeling that I say that every time I write one of these, just because each one of them is so far apart from each other).  Brayden has gotten so big.. right now its November 5th 2013 @ 10:58pm. Brayden and […]


Okay, its been quite a long time since ive been on here. Bare with me. Brayden is now almost 4 months old!!! Hes trying to sit up & has been talking more. (baby talk) lol its adorable!! My mom was in the hospital for almost a week. She kept throwing up and shes down to […]

Brayden Alexander Smith

Well, the baby is finally here. Brayden Alexander Smith born April 26th, 2013. 20 inches long and 8 pounds 4 ounces at 7:53am. The most amazing thing I have ever done besides marry my wonderful husband Michael, is bring our little guy into this world…. which took 9 months and 6 days I might add. […]


A lot has happened since the last time I was on here… Well of course the obvious – Brayden is overdue. Its the 24th right now…. he was due the 20th. So not too happy about that. The good news is, contractions have started. Yesterday they were all wonky but now they are pretty consistent. About […]

36 weeks!!!

Baby Gaga says “ The countdown to your sweet lil’ womb hi-jacker’s eviction is closing in! In fetal developments: most of the bones (soft skull aside) in their little body are now completely hardened, providing a solid structure from which they can now make their grand debut into the world. In physical fitness news: your […]

35 weeks!

According to “baby gaga on facebook– Congratulations! You’re now carrying over 6 pounds of baby-goodness – not counting their amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, or the placenta itself. Developmentally, your wee womb-tenant has the fat-factory running at full tilt while their digestive system puts the finishing touches on critical organs in preparation for their first […]

Finally 34 Weeks.

FINALY 34 WEEKS!!! Only 3 more weeks until im FULL TERM!!!!! 😀 Im hoping this baby boy will be out by then, but not getting my hopes up on that one. haha. Today was an interesting one to say the least. Leading up from last night, we went over to our friends house The Sands’, […]

Cowboy Central!

So almost 34 weeks (on saturday) and we’ve been getting things together FINALLY!!!! So the baby room is MOSTLY complete. We’re just missing bedding for the baby and we’re DONE. The carseat base is installed into the car, with the carseat in the trunk for now, just for space. Baby bag is packed, mine is […]