Baby Brayden is getting big!! :D

Okay… I havent really been on here in quite some time! ( I have a feeling that I say that every time I write one of these, just because each one of them is so far apart from each other).  Brayden has gotten so big.. right now its November 5th 2013 @ 10:58pm. Brayden and Michael are asleep and I couldnt get myself to go to sleep so im obviously on here. 😀 

So for starters… We live in Colorado now!! 😀 It looks and feels like home… reminds me A LOT of Oregon which is why I think I feel so at home here. It snowed a little today.. so thats going to get some getting used to again after being in El Paso for almost 2 years. We left El Paso, TX September 23rd and we drove up to Oregon! On our way, we got to stop in Vegas! Uncle Jarrod’s momma and sister live about 20ish minutes from the Las Vegas Strip and we’ve known them for quite some time, so we stayed with them for 2 nights so we can rest and see Vegas for ourselves. Brayden LOVED the Treasure Island show (if its not around when you are able to go on your own to see it, watch Ms. Congeniality 2.. its the end scene). So we left Vegas and went up to Oregon finally!! Got there on the 12th I believe. Brayden got to go to the Zoo for the first time and his very first pumpkin patch!! He turned 5 months while we were in Oregon so it was fun to be able to do his monthly picture while we were around family and friends. Got to visit a lot of “Aunts and Uncles”.

So far:

Brayden is 6 months and 2 weeks old.
Weight is most likely around 18 lbs or so.
He LOVES: Tummy time, Trying to crawl, being in bouncer, bath time and taking naps with mommy and daddy.
He HATES: His car seat, baby food, being alone for too long, his teeth!!! They are trying to come in on the bottom and they are just killing him. 

Teething time is the worst. Dont know if I will want another child after Brayden or not.. But that situation we will just have to play by ear. Oh and also, Michael is going to be deploying to Afghanistan again.. to the same place he went to last time. He will be leaving in March for 9 months.. he will be missed like no tomorrow while hes gone, so hopefully it will go by quickly!!!!!!


Here are Braydens monthly pictures so far:




Well tah tah for now!! Hope I can keep up with this thing better!! 


Okay, its been quite a long time since ive been on here. Bare with me. Brayden is now almost 4 months old!!! Hes trying to sit up & has been talking more. (baby talk) lol its adorable!! My mom was in the hospital for almost a week. She kept throwing up and shes down to 86 lbs. Scary! Kodys birthday is on the 15th! 🙂 I started working at dennys so we have 2 babysitters. Johnie & sam. Amaryllis & Aaron are leaving this weekend back to Nebraska 😦 Heres pictures pf the baby boy 🙂







1 Month and Mommas Birthday!

Brayden is finally a month old!! I still cant believe how fast he is growing.. its blowing my mind. He loves being kissed in his mouth (loves the popping noise). Doesnt like going up high at all and he is beyond ticklish!! 



My birthday is today, but Michael has to work CQ (24 hour desk duty) until tomorrow morning so we are celebrating it either tomorrow or this weekend sometime. 🙂 More pictures to come once I get my hands on Michaels phone (it takes better pictures than mine) 


Brayden Alexander Smith

Well, the baby is finally here. Brayden Alexander Smith born April 26th, 2013. 20 inches long and 8 pounds 4 ounces at 7:53am. The most amazing thing I have ever done besides marry my wonderful husband Michael, is bring our little guy into this world…. which took 9 months and 6 days I might add. He was 6 days late but I went into labor on Tuesday and finally things started to pick up around Friday night at 7:15pm. Went to the hospital when contractions were 5 minutes apart for an hour. Got checked out and I was 3 centimeters dilated and the doctor stripped the membrane (I know….kind of gross).. so they said to go and walk for 2 hours and if the contractions get stronger and stay prominent, then to come back and we’ll get admitted. So Cheryl, Michael and I went to Walmart and got some stuff for the hospital stay like hard candy and stuff to keep us occupied while the baby slept. Contractions definitely got more painful and a tish closer together. So we went back to the hospital, got admitted and they started the IV. After that, they checked me again and I was 4cm already and in a little bit of pain. They had to wait for 2 bags of fluid to go through the IV before I got my epidural… Also.. side note – Epidurals dont hurt one bit. The IV hurt more than the epidural. haha. Michael looked completely terrified to watch what they were putting into my back.. with the needles being so big and what not. He felt scared for me. But trust me, as soon as it kicked in, I was hunky dory. That was around 1am. Got to fall asleep for maybe an hour but I was overly excited that the day was here. And nurses kept coming in and checking on my IV’s and everything so I don’t think I had much choice but to be awake.
The. Worst. Part. Ever…… the epidural wore off… at about 6am I was screaming at the top of my lungs every 30 seconds.. They give you a button to push if this happens to give you control of the medicine that goes into it…. and it just was not working. So they called the anesthesiologist into the room and he was kind enough to give my more medicine straight into the epidural so that I would be able to push… Oh yeah.. I was screaming that much because I was 10cm.. so for those moms that go without the medicine to numb you up… I applaud you. Because that crap was painful!!!!!! It started to kick back in and I was ready to push!!! At 7:30 am we started pushing and 23 minutes later I had my wonderful, handsome son. And I seriously could not have wished for a better baby. Hes so content. If hes fed, changed and burped, hes the happiest baby alive. 








A lot has happened since the last time I was on here… 
Well of course the obvious – Brayden is overdue. Its the 24th right now…. he was due the 20th. So not too happy about that. The good news is, contractions have started. Yesterday they were all wonky but now they are pretty consistent. About 8 minutes apart. But the past hour they havent been consistent so hopefully things will get on a roll!!!! Mikes parents are down here as well!! Let me be the first to say, its been amazing having them down here to help out and just be awesome company. The house is completely stocked with everything we need and more. Its amazing. Things are clean, and I get to rest (when contractions arent being a pain in the butt).  Oo we found this amazing Ranch out in the skirts of el paso and its soooo pretty out there. Definitely going to be a regular place to go out to. And induction day! If Brayden isnt here by this weekend, next week on the 1st, they will induce me! But with contractions being present, I dont think ill make it to the weekend…. Hopefully!!! My mom will be here on the 30th next week and Mikes parents are going to be leaving on the 1st at 8pm. So lets make this baby thing happen before all of that madness happens!!!! 😀 Michael is super excited for things to happen. I think hes tired of going into work knowing that things are slowly happening at home without him here. Hes so ready to be a daddy. I know hes going to be great. Hes an incredible husband already, so when the baby is here, i have a feeling his love is going to be above and beyond expectations. 

Easter, Full Term and Charlie Horses OH MY!

Well it was Easter yesterday! We meant to go to church, but Michael wasnt the nicest coming home at 330am a tish bit drunk. Ha So I ended up not going to bed til 630 and there was no way that I was going to be able to function in church without falling asleep!! Ooh and on this past saturday, we hit FULL TERM!! 😀 Its weird that theres only about 2 weeks and 5 days left… maybe. Today, Michael and I went to the store to get groceries for the next 2 weeks or so, and we were in the second aisle and out of no where I got the most horrific pain ever. I had to stop in the middle of the aisle and clinch the cart for dear life. I was tearing up it hurt so bad. Hopefully that means im getting closer to Brayden being here. Im thinking the next week or so he’ll be here. 😀 We’ll see though. And the Charlie Horses…. never in my life have I felt something like this in my legs…ever. But its not the best thing in the world, especially out in public. At restaurants, in the shower (making me almost fall over), in the baby room, just plain walking and it killing me. But they should diminish once Brayden is out. Ill have pictures up soon since I dont have much longer left of this pregnancy! 


How far along? 37w2d
Weight gain/loss up to date: Over 30… 😛 I was 199.5 last week on thursday. So Im sure thats changed. 
Maternity clothes? Yes… So close to being done with these things!
Sleep? Finally some kind of sleep yes, but itll all change soon!
Best moment this week:  Today going to the park on the nicest day of the week. 
Miss Anything? The tiny figure I once had….
Movement: Yep.. more than he should be where he shouldnt be…
Food cravings: Ice Cream.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: I don’t like yogurt anymore..
Have you started to show yet: Ha there is no hiding this little baby boy from ANYONE. 
Gender: Boy
Belly Button in or out? its actually almost out! But I don’t think itll get a chance to pop out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Its back on my necklace again.   
Happy or Moody: Today…Happy. Wonderful day. 
Looking forward to: Brayden being here…and out of my body. 

36 weeks!!!

Baby Gaga says “

The countdown to your sweet lil’ womb hi-jacker’s eviction is closing in!

In fetal developments: most of the bones (soft skull aside) in their little body are now completely hardened, providing a solid structure from which they can now make their grand debut into the world.

In physical fitness news: your mini-champ’s muscle tone is improving, and you’ll be impressed by their steel-like Ulnar grasp (a newborn reflex that occurs if you lay your finger in their palm).

Your baby’s nearly done baking!”


A lot has happened in the past week!!… So Michaels mom sent us a package, THANK YOU CHERYL, and it had some great harvest bread 😀 and Rons cowboy hat, so now we have one from each side of the family. AC got fixed,  The house is semi clean and ready for baby to be here (27 days 😀 ). Ordered the coupling for our washer so we can fix it! and Im ordering my breast pump today so I can have it when Brayden is here. Last night was a freak out though. Had a little paper cut sized blood line on TP and got freaked. Drank another sip of water and when I had to go again, the blood was gone. So needless to say body is pretty prepared for birth, but freaked me out…


How far along? 36w1d
Weight gain/loss up to date: probably around 24-26
Maternity clothes? Yes… haha almost finished with all of this. then itll be a couple more weeks post delivery and then NORMAL CLOTHES!!…Hopefully
Sleep? Finally on a sleep schedule… I bet thats going to end really soon.
Best moment this week:  Taxes came in!! 😀
Miss Anything? The tiny figure I once had.
Movement: Yep.. he was moving around while Michael and I were watching Psych just now. Hes a strong little one. 
Food cravings: Currently tacos. 😀
Anything making you queasy or sick: I don’t like yogurt anymore!
Have you started to show yet: Ha there is no hiding this little baby boy from ANYONE. 
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Leakage and some contractions and a little bleeding now. 
Belly Button in or out? its actually almost out! But I don’t think itll get a chance to pop out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Its back on my necklace again.   
Happy or Moody: Today…Happy. Its amazingly gorgeous outside. Although I do seem jumpy and a little ticked… dont know why. 
Looking forward to: Brayden being here.

35 weeks!

According to “baby gaga on facebook–

Congratulations! You’re now carrying over 6 pounds of baby-goodness – not counting their amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, or the placenta itself.

Developmentally, your wee womb-tenant has the fat-factory running at full tilt while their digestive system puts the finishing touches on critical organs in preparation for their first meal (remember – before birth, all of their nutrition was blood via the umbilical cord).

With their first meal in mind, it’s time to look forward to one of the most important things you’ll do for your infant – namely, keeping them alive with nothing more than your breasts.”


So needless to say, baby boy is getting quite big and hes ready to come at any time. Hes already head down Im measuring at about 34 CM outside so hes getting there!! Car is packed and ready for his arrival and now its time to get the house ready. Mikes parents will be here in a month! Super excited!! Hopefully this delivery will go smoothly without complications (not that im expecting anything to go wrong!) 


How far along? 35w
Weight gain/loss up to date: 22 now… lost about 2 1/2 pounds the last two weeks… ha
Maternity clothes? Yes… haha almost finished with all of this. then itll be a couple more weeks post delivery and then NORMAL CLOTHES!!…Hopefully
Sleep? Finally, yes!! Oh how I love my sleep!
Best moment this week:  Getting paid actually… to finish up the nursery and getting the house ready. 
Miss Anything? The tiny figure I once usual. Keeping the house clean… etc… haha not as easy with a dog that loves to chew on old mail and what not.
Movement: Yep.. mostly just getting adjusted and hick-ups twice a day. 
Food cravings: Currently, its still orange juice. not really a food though.. lol
Anything making you queasy or sick: I don’t like yogurt anymore!
Have you started to show yet: Ha there is no hiding this little baby boy from ANYONE. 
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Leakage and some contractions.
Belly Button in or out? its actually almost out! But I don’t think itll get a chance to pop out. 
Wedding ring on or off? On. 🙂 
Happy or Moody: Today…Happy. Its amazingly gorgeous outside and Michael is finally home from CQ.
Looking forward to: Brayden being here.

Finally 34 Weeks.

FINALY 34 WEEKS!!! Only 3 more weeks until im FULL TERM!!!!! 😀 Im hoping this baby boy will be out by then, but not getting my hopes up on that one. haha. Today was an interesting one to say the least. Leading up from last night, we went over to our friends house The Sands’, and we played Taboo and the new Monopoly game. None of us were tired so we didnt get home until 330am.. haha and then Michael went off to bed, I layed in bed for 3 hours until I could finally pass out. I FINALLY went to sleep around 645 for about 2 hours and woke up at 9. STILL COMPLETELY TIRED, went back to bed, but Michael got up and thus started to make noises China could hear….. wasnt too happy when I woke up at noon (yeah yeah yeah I know…thats awesome haha) But anyways, I took a shower to wake up and after I was done, I went to lay down, Michael came in through the bathroom door and he hit himself in the face, twice with the door. I busted up laughing and I was laughing so hard that I started tearing up, and then the laughter turned into complete crying…. Isnt the first time this has happened, but its been quite a while! So needless to say it was a rollercoaster of emotions today. Now Im watching Weekend At Bernies, which I havent seen yet, and Michael is at A Little Bit Of Texas bar having some guy time…. Im pretty sure he needs it after dealing with me when he gets home. ha 🙂

How far along? 34w
Weight gain/loss up to date: About 25ish. In my defense though, I started out at 175 after the wedding, so its not a bad weight gain…. but i CANNOT WAIT TO BE SKINNY AGAIN!!!!
Maternity clothes? Yes!! Although, I keep wanting to buy more. I shouldnt cause I only have 6 more weeks left (hopefully). So I guess ill just have to save all of these clothes for the next baby, but im hoping not to be this big with the next one. You live and you learn. 
Stretch marks? Um…yeah… Not a big fan of these little red and purple lines that my kid drew… ha Ive heard Bio-Oil is one of the best things to get rid of these puppies if not make it look like they arent even there. I cant wait to get it!
Sleep: As you can tell by the entire rant, its minimal to say the least… Going to bed after this movie though!!!!
Best moment this week:  Getting some sleep this weekend….
Miss Anything? The tiny figure I once usual. And I miss being able to sleep at normal hours and waking up at a decent time.. Im pretty sure once I get on a normal sleep schedule, thats going to head out of the window once the baby is here. 
Movement: Actually yes! Hes getting adjusted for where he needs to be and getting prepared for labor.
Food cravings: Currently it was orange juice and pb&j’s!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I don’t like yogurt anymore!
Have you started to show yet: Ha there is no hiding this little baby boy from ANYONE. 
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Leakage and some contractions.
Belly Button in or out? Its about 1/2 an inch away from being out, but im almost done with this pregnancy so I really dont think its going to pop out!
Wedding ring on or off? I put it on my finger today and Im wearing it right now. Boy have I missed wearing this. Its comfort. 
Happy or Moody: Today…moody for sure… and tired. 
Looking forward to: Brayden being here.

Cowboy Central!

So almost 34 weeks (on saturday) and we’ve been getting things together FINALLY!!!! So the baby room is MOSTLY complete. We’re just missing bedding for the baby and we’re DONE. The carseat base is installed into the car, with the carseat in the trunk for now, just for space. Baby bag is packed, mine is almost done. Decor in baby room, done. We just now have to get the little essentials, that are kind of big essentials.. (make sense?). Mainly more bottles, we have 2… ha, possibly more pacifiers… we’ll see on that one. Blankets, etc.  We’re ready for this kid to be here already. I want to be able to sleep normal again and im sure Michael wants a normal hormone leveled wife back haha.

So theres a mattress (that FITS) in the crib now.

Baby Bag is FULLY packed!!

My Grandmother found an old Cowboy calendar and sent the pictures she liked to my mom. She put the pictures in the Red frames and I think it looks amazing. 🙂

My Grand Fathers Cowboy Hat – His First Bear – The pair of little Cowboy Boots my Mom sent — The Cowboy Cross

Oo And this is what happens every day after Michael leaves for work….

And apparently I get free formula in the mail — even when I plan to breastfeed… haha

ImageSo theres the update!!! 😀
Cant wait to have Brayden here so I can get use out of all of these things and not get more sleep. haha