36 weeks!!!

Baby Gaga says “

The countdown to your sweet lil’ womb hi-jacker’s eviction is closing in!

In fetal developments: most of the bones (soft skull aside) in their little body are now completely hardened, providing a solid structure from which they can now make their grand debut into the world.

In physical fitness news: your mini-champ’s muscle tone is improving, and you’ll be impressed by their steel-like Ulnar grasp (a newborn reflex that occurs if you lay your finger in their palm).

Your baby’s nearly done baking!”


A lot has happened in the past week!!… So Michaels mom sent us a package, THANK YOU CHERYL, and it had some great harvest bread 😀 and Rons cowboy hat, so now we have one from each side of the family. AC got fixed,  The house is semi clean and ready for baby to be here (27 days 😀 ). Ordered the coupling for our washer so we can fix it! and Im ordering my breast pump today so I can have it when Brayden is here. Last night was a freak out though. Had a little paper cut sized blood line on TP and got freaked. Drank another sip of water and when I had to go again, the blood was gone. So needless to say body is pretty prepared for birth, but freaked me out…


How far along? 36w1d
Weight gain/loss up to date: probably around 24-26
Maternity clothes? Yes… haha almost finished with all of this. then itll be a couple more weeks post delivery and then NORMAL CLOTHES!!…Hopefully
Sleep? Finally on a sleep schedule… I bet thats going to end really soon.
Best moment this week:  Taxes came in!! 😀
Miss Anything? The tiny figure I once had.
Movement: Yep.. he was moving around while Michael and I were watching Psych just now. Hes a strong little one. 
Food cravings: Currently tacos. 😀
Anything making you queasy or sick: I don’t like yogurt anymore!
Have you started to show yet: Ha there is no hiding this little baby boy from ANYONE. 
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Leakage and some contractions and a little bleeding now. 
Belly Button in or out? its actually almost out! But I don’t think itll get a chance to pop out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Its back on my necklace again.   
Happy or Moody: Today…Happy. Its amazingly gorgeous outside. Although I do seem jumpy and a little ticked… dont know why. 
Looking forward to: Brayden being here.

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