35 weeks!

According to “baby gaga on facebook–

Congratulations! You’re now carrying over 6 pounds of baby-goodness – not counting their amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, or the placenta itself.

Developmentally, your wee womb-tenant has the fat-factory running at full tilt while their digestive system puts the finishing touches on critical organs in preparation for their first meal (remember – before birth, all of their nutrition was blood via the umbilical cord).

With their first meal in mind, it’s time to look forward to one of the most important things you’ll do for your infant – namely, keeping them alive with nothing more than your breasts.”


So needless to say, baby boy is getting quite big and hes ready to come at any time. Hes already head down Im measuring at about 34 CM outside so hes getting there!! Car is packed and ready for his arrival and now its time to get the house ready. Mikes parents will be here in a month! Super excited!! Hopefully this delivery will go smoothly without complications (not that im expecting anything to go wrong!) 


How far along? 35w
Weight gain/loss up to date: 22 now… lost about 2 1/2 pounds the last two weeks… ha
Maternity clothes? Yes… haha almost finished with all of this. then itll be a couple more weeks post delivery and then NORMAL CLOTHES!!…Hopefully
Sleep? Finally, yes!! Oh how I love my sleep!
Best moment this week:  Getting paid actually… to finish up the nursery and getting the house ready. 
Miss Anything? The tiny figure I once had..as usual. Keeping the house clean… etc… haha not as easy with a dog that loves to chew on old mail and what not.
Movement: Yep.. mostly just getting adjusted and hick-ups twice a day. 
Food cravings: Currently, its still orange juice. not really a food though.. lol
Anything making you queasy or sick: I don’t like yogurt anymore!
Have you started to show yet: Ha there is no hiding this little baby boy from ANYONE. 
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Leakage and some contractions.
Belly Button in or out? its actually almost out! But I don’t think itll get a chance to pop out. 
Wedding ring on or off? On. 🙂 
Happy or Moody: Today…Happy. Its amazingly gorgeous outside and Michael is finally home from CQ.
Looking forward to: Brayden being here.

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