Finally 34 Weeks.

FINALY 34 WEEKS!!! Only 3 more weeks until im FULL TERM!!!!! 😀 Im hoping this baby boy will be out by then, but not getting my hopes up on that one. haha. Today was an interesting one to say the least. Leading up from last night, we went over to our friends house The Sands’, and we played Taboo and the new Monopoly game. None of us were tired so we didnt get home until 330am.. haha and then Michael went off to bed, I layed in bed for 3 hours until I could finally pass out. I FINALLY went to sleep around 645 for about 2 hours and woke up at 9. STILL COMPLETELY TIRED, went back to bed, but Michael got up and thus started to make noises China could hear….. wasnt too happy when I woke up at noon (yeah yeah yeah I know…thats awesome haha) But anyways, I took a shower to wake up and after I was done, I went to lay down, Michael came in through the bathroom door and he hit himself in the face, twice with the door. I busted up laughing and I was laughing so hard that I started tearing up, and then the laughter turned into complete crying…. Isnt the first time this has happened, but its been quite a while! So needless to say it was a rollercoaster of emotions today. Now Im watching Weekend At Bernies, which I havent seen yet, and Michael is at A Little Bit Of Texas bar having some guy time…. Im pretty sure he needs it after dealing with me when he gets home. ha 🙂

How far along? 34w
Weight gain/loss up to date: About 25ish. In my defense though, I started out at 175 after the wedding, so its not a bad weight gain…. but i CANNOT WAIT TO BE SKINNY AGAIN!!!!
Maternity clothes? Yes!! Although, I keep wanting to buy more. I shouldnt cause I only have 6 more weeks left (hopefully). So I guess ill just have to save all of these clothes for the next baby, but im hoping not to be this big with the next one. You live and you learn. 
Stretch marks? Um…yeah… Not a big fan of these little red and purple lines that my kid drew… ha Ive heard Bio-Oil is one of the best things to get rid of these puppies if not make it look like they arent even there. I cant wait to get it!
Sleep: As you can tell by the entire rant, its minimal to say the least… Going to bed after this movie though!!!!
Best moment this week:  Getting some sleep this weekend….
Miss Anything? The tiny figure I once usual. And I miss being able to sleep at normal hours and waking up at a decent time.. Im pretty sure once I get on a normal sleep schedule, thats going to head out of the window once the baby is here. 
Movement: Actually yes! Hes getting adjusted for where he needs to be and getting prepared for labor.
Food cravings: Currently it was orange juice and pb&j’s!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I don’t like yogurt anymore!
Have you started to show yet: Ha there is no hiding this little baby boy from ANYONE. 
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Leakage and some contractions.
Belly Button in or out? Its about 1/2 an inch away from being out, but im almost done with this pregnancy so I really dont think its going to pop out!
Wedding ring on or off? I put it on my finger today and Im wearing it right now. Boy have I missed wearing this. Its comfort. 
Happy or Moody: Today…moody for sure… and tired. 
Looking forward to: Brayden being here.

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